Attorney Gulash wins jury trial for client charged with possession of narcotics with intent to sell
August 2, 2018 Attorney John Gulash won a trial in Fairfield Superior Court in Bridgeport on for a client charges with possession of...
Attorney Gulash wins acquittal for client charged with murder
In Bridgeport Superior Court, on December 7, 2017 after approximately 4 week of trial, Attorneys John Gulash and Noah Kores got a verdict...

Attorney Gulash wins murder trial
On November 7, 2017 in Waterbury, Connecticut, Attorney John Gulash's client was acquitted on the charge of murder after a month long...
CT Post: Piano teacher pleads guilty in sex assault case
Ready about what John Gulash is up to in this Connecticut Post article:

Our new sign
In case you have trouble finding us, you can look for our new sign on the front of our office on Golden Hill Street.
CT Post: Families Clash Outside Courthouse
This article doesn't begin to capture the chaos. Read about John Gulash in this Connecticut Post article about what happened outside the...
CT Law Trib:
Read what Attorney John R. Gulash has to say in this Connecticut Law Tribune article on budget cuts affecting homicide investigations...
Stamford Advocate: Stamford manslaughter fugitive appears in court
Read about what Noah Kores is up to in this Stamford Advocate article about a case in Stamford Superior Court:...
New Haven Register: Judge declares mistrial in Harris slaying trial after jury deadlocks on verdict
After nearly two months on trial, Attorney Gulash was successful in thwarting the State's efforts to convict his client. Read about it here.
CT Post: Not guilty plea made by former Stamford cop
Read about John R. Gulash in this article in the Connecticut Post: